
Take it Back!

I ride the Greenway almost every day. It's safe. But not as safe as usual. After freaking myself out by reading all the remarks on the subject on MPLSBikeLove, I again rode almost the entire length home. After dark. By myself. Talk about adrenaline.

I'm glad those bikers had the rally. I'm also glad that a post by Melissa on said
BikeLove has already stated what I would have liked to if it wouldn't sound like simply parroting her words. So, here they are.

"Everyone should ride/walk the Greenway as much as possible. Go out of your WAY to get on there, especially after dark. The more people use the thing, the better the deterrent to the bad guys.
I absolutely refuse to abandon my beautiful Greenway to a bunch of jerks."

Amen, sister. Ride on!